Saturday, July 6, 2013

April's Rum Punch!!

So, the hubby and I were at Disney Village a couple of years ago in January, walking around waiting on our table at Rainforest Cafe, and we stumbled upon this tropical drink stand.  It was way past happy hour, so we got in line and began to peruse the menu of tropical concoctions. I ordered the most delicious rum punch EVER...WOW was it yummy and it definitely packed a punch...pun intended!!! ;o)  

Summer rolled around and I started thinking about that drink. While I remembered that it had light and dark rum, and creme de banana, I couldn't remember what else was in it, nor could I remember the name of the drink I never got around to making the most fabulous concoction.  Fast forward to last month...

We were hanging out with the family on the coast of South Carolina for the week, and started thinking about that drink again.  I decided to google "rum punch at Disney Village" and low and behold, someone else was in search of the recipe and had taken a picture of the sign at Disney Village showing the ingredients!  I hit the liquor store, played around with the measurements a bit until it was down to a most delicious science, and below is what I came up with.

I also found these napkins in a cute shop in Pawley's Island, and mixed them in with my patriotic napkins for our 4th of July party!  Cracked everybody up!

Pitcher of Rum Punch

1 cup of Light Rum
1/4 cup of Creme de Banana
1/4 cup of Blackberry Brandy
1-2 Tbs Grenadine
1-1/4 Cup of Orange Juice
3/4 cup of Pineapple Juice  (6oz can of Dole)
Meyers Rum

Mix everything together in a pitcher except for the Meyers Rum.  Pour mixture over ice, top off with a Meyers Rum floater, put a little Jimmy Buffet or Bob Marley on the stereo, and ENJOY!!  

a ;o)

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